[pdfviewer width=”100%” height=”850px”]https://tp.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2023/02/persuratan_indarti_wahab_20230208_025211.pdf[/pdfviewer]
[googlepdf url=”https://tp.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2023/02/Ajinomoto-Scholarship-2024.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600″]
[pdfviewer width=”100%” height=”850px” beta=”false”]https://tp.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2023/01/2023-TaiwanICDF-Scholarship-Application-Guidebook_opt.pdf[/pdfviewer]
The NUS FoodTech Challenge (NUS FTC) is an annual competition jointly organized by the Food Science and Technology Society of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and NUS Enterprise. This competition aims to empower university students to develop innovative solutions that tackle a given problem statement in the food industry and encourage entrepreneurship. This year, participants are given the opportunity to choose their preferred problem statement to work on!
The NUS FTC is one of Singapore’s biggest food-industry competitions. With the success of the previous iterations of this competition, NUS FTC is expanding internationally in 2022. With the city-state of Singapore emerging as a food tech hub, you stand to gain invaluable insights and broaden your network in this highly dynamic industry. Through workshops and mentoring sessions, you will surely enhance your entrepreneurial and design thinking skills that are highly sought after in many industries today. Not to mention, you’ll stand a chance to win attractive prizes for your innovations!
• This challenge is open to undergraduates from ALL countries.
• In view of the COVID-19 situation, the event will be held fully ONLINE.
• Both individual and group (up to 5 people) sign-ups are accepted. International participants that sign up individually will have to participate solo, without the option of being teamed up with other individuals.
• Programme flow for the international track does not include any form of prototyping unlike the local track. It will be replaced with exclusive mentorship guidance where teams get to work under the guidance of industry experts to refine and develop their ideas.
• This challenge is open to all undergraduates from all faculties, without any need for a background in food science. There will be an extensive lineup of workshops, talks and mentoring sessions by various industry experts to gear you up for the competition. Register at tinyurl.com/nusftc2022intl by 22 April 2022 if you are interested. To learn more aboutthe NUS FTC2022, please visit our website at www.nusftc.com. Follow us on facebook (NUS FoodTech Challenge) and instagram (@nusftc) to keep yourself up to date with important information and deadlines! We look forward to seeing you at our challenge!
Selasa, 5 April 2022 telah dilakukan serah terima jabatan Kepala Laboratorium periode 2022-2025, Ketua Unit Manajemen Mutu (UMM) periode 2022-2023, dan pelantikan Pengurus Korps Pegawai Gadjah Mada (KORPAGAMA) FTP UGM periode 2022-2027 di Auditorium Kamarijani – Soenjoto. Acara dilakukan secara luring dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan.
Dalam sambutannya, Dekan FTP UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eni Harmayani, M.Sc. menyampaikan harapan atas serah terima jabatan Kepala Laboratorium, semoga dapat menghasilkan penelitian-penelitian yang berkualitas, inovatif, kreatif, dan aplikatif sehingga mampu membawa FTP lebih baik di masa yang akan datang. Dekan juga berterima kasih kepada UMM yang telah mengantarkan FTP menjadi fakultas dengan akreditasi unggul, akreditasi A, dan sertifikasi ISO 2001:2015. Semoga dengan Ketua Unit baru, UMM dapat mengawal penjaminan mutu di FTP sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan-tujuan yang diharapkan, terutama untuk akreditasi internasional. “Kepada Ketua dan pengurus KORPAGAMA, kami berharap semoga fungsi-fungsi KORPAGAMA, yaitu untuk mewadahi dan menyalurkan aspirasi anggota, mengembangkan jiwa-jiwa korps, serta meningkatkan kemampuan dan kesejahteraan anggota, sebagai mitra universitas dalam urusan kepegawaian,” imbuh Dekan.
Ketua Senat FTP UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc., juga menyampaikan selamat dan apresiasi tinggi kepada para pejabat, dan pergantian jabatan di sebuah institusi adalah hal yang lazim.
Berikut daftar pejabat yang mengemban jabatan baru:
No | Nama Jabatan | Nama Pejabat Baru |
1 | Kepala Laboratorium Teknik Pangan dan Pascapanen | Dr. Devi Yuni Susanti, S.T.P., M.Sc. |
2 | Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Hayati | Dr. Murtiningrum, S.T.P., M.Eng. |
3 | Kepala Laboratorium Energi dan Mesin Pertanian | Dr. Radi, S.T.P., M.Eng. |
4 | Kepala Laboratorium Manajemen Sistem Industri | Dr. Novita Erma Kristanti, S.T.P., M.P. |
5 |
Kepala Laboratorium Rekaindustri dan Pengendalian Produk Samping |
Dr. Ir. Makhmudun Ainuri, M.Si. |
6 | Kepala Laboratorium Rekayasa Proses | Dr. Ir. Supriyadi, M.Sc. |
7 | Kepala Laboratorium Pangan dan Gizi | Dr. Ir. Priyanto Triwitono, M.P. |
8 | Kepala Laboratorium Kimia, Biokimia dan Hasil Pertanian | Dr.nat.tech.Andriati Ningrum, S.T.P., M.Agr. |
9 | Kepala Laboratorium Sistem Produksi | Dr. Nafis Khuriyati, S.T.P., M.Agr. |
10 | Kepala Laboratorium Bioteknologi | Rachma Wikandari, S.T.P., M.Biotech.,Ph.D. |
11 |
Kepala Laboratorium Teknik Lingkungan dan Bangunan Pertanian |
Andri Prima Nugroho, S.T.P., M.Sc., Ph.D. |
12 | Kepala Laboratorium Analisis dan Simulasi Sistem Industri | Dr. Agung Putra Pamungkas, S.T.P., M.Agr. |
13 | Kepala Laboratorium Teknik Sumberdaya Lahan dan Air | Chandra Setyawan, S.T.P., M.Eng., Ph.D. |
14 |
Pejabat Pelaksana Sementara Kepala Laboratorium
Bioindustri |
Darmawan Ari Nugroho, S.T.P., M.P. |
15 | Kepala Laboratorium Analisis Mutu dan Standardisasi | Ex. Officio Sekretaris Departemen TIP |
16 | Kepala Laboratorium Pengelolaan Limbah | Ex. Officio Ketua Departemen TPHP |
17 | Ketua Unit Manajemen Mutu | Dr. Ir. Retno Indrati, M.Sc. |
18 | Ketua I Korpagama | Dr. Ir. R. Wahyu Supartono |
19 |
Ketua II Korpagama |
Agung Wijayanto, S.E, M.Acc. (ex officio
Kepala Kantor Administrasi FTP UGM) |
20 |
Sekretaris I Korpagama |
Dr. Dian Anggraini Suroto, S.T.P., M.P., M.Eng. |
21 | Sekretaris II Korpagama | Aji Herman Saputra, S.Si. |
22 | Bendahara I Korpagama | Dr. Jumeri, S.T.P. M.Si. |
23 | Bendahara II Korpagama | Trubus Wibowo, S.E. |