This morning, August 10th 2024, at 08.00 Western Indonesia Time (GMT+7), marked the 12th day (last day) of the Summer Course (SC) 2024 held by the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
At 08.00 the participants should submit their final presentation worked in a group. There are 6 on-site groups and 9 online groups. The presentation session was held in 3 classes namely 1.02, 1.03, 1.04. Each class consists of 2 on-site groups and 3 online groups as well as 2 reviewers. The on-site presentation was about a field trip and the online presentation was about a group project. The presentation time for each group was around 15 minutes (10 minute presentation, 5 minute feedback from reviewer) It started at 10.00 until 12.00 after coffee break.
The next agenda was lunch break until 13.00. After that, the participants prepared themselves for the closing ceremony and country performance. Around 15.00 all participants gather in FAT Convention Hall to attend the closing ceremony including Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. Eni Harmayani, representative of Directorate of Partnerships and Global Relations UGM, Dr. Wiratni, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Yudi Pranoto, Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, Human Resources, and Information System, Prof. Dr. Kuncoro Harto Widodo, Vice Dean for Research, Community Services, Cooperation, and Alumni, Dr. Sri Rahayoe, chairman of the 6th summer course Faculty of Agricultural Technology, UGM, Dr. Agung Putra Pamungkas, Head of Department, Secretary of Department, and Head of Study Program, of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, all lecturers of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, UGM and all the speakers and the participants of The 6th Summer Course Program
The first speech was from The Chairman of the 6th summer course to address the closing remark. Please welcome Dr. Agung Putra. Followed by the next was Dr. Wiratni, the Secretary of the Directorate of Partnerships and Global Relations UGM. And the last speech was from The Dean of The Faculty of Agricultural Technology , UGM Prof. Eni Harmayani to give a closing speech and to officially close the 6th Summer Course
An award was given to Muna from Thailand and Arun from Indonesia as the best participants of Summer Course FAT UGM 2024. Then, there were performances from each country. Thailand presented dancing, Philippines presented singing and dancing, Pakistan presented storytelling about culture, Bangladesh presented poem reading, Madagascar presented couple dancing and singing, Egypt and Yemen presented cultural video and singing lastly Indonesia presented dancing “poco-poco”. After all the participants performed, The best performance went to Madagascar, The Philippines, and Thailand. The session was closed by photo session