Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) UGM was born through thoughts that started from the Teacher Council meeting in the early 1960s at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry UGM at that time (at that time Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry UGM had three teaching staff organization namely Teacher Council, Lecturer Council , and Assistant Coordinator). The meeting discussed the instruction of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) which essentially Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry UGM was broken down into three faculties with the aim to increase the number of Faculty of Ekakta so that the comparison of Eksakta: Social Humanities increased.
Then formed a team that prepares the establishment of FTP UGM in charge of, among others, define agricultural technology, preparing curriculum, assigning teachers, and mengiventarisasi students. Organ within the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry UGM who joined the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM is the Department of Agricultural Technology with section and Department of Culture Engineering with section. Biochemical Section at UGM Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at that time did not join the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.
Thus the preparation of establishment of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM conducted by a team consisting of Ir. Kamarijani, Ir. Soenjoto Soemodihardjo, Ir. Moch. Adnan, Ir. Hendro Pawoko Sajid, Ir. Soeharsono Martoharsono, Ir. Amien Hidayat, Ir. Hardiman, Ir. Moch. Roesdi, Ir. Soemangat, Ir. Pratjojo, Ir. Greetings, Ir. Soenarto Pronohadiprodjo and Ir. Pamudji
*). On February 6, 1966, Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM graduated for the first time.
Its structural organization system evolves over time in line with government policies and regulations. Initially the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM consists of two sections, namely the Department of Agricultural Technology and Agricultural Mechanization. The Department of Agricultural Technology has five departments, namely (1) Department of Basic and Raw Material Technology, (2) Department of Technology of Vegetables and Fruits, (3) Department of Technology of Animal Material, (4) Department of Industrial Microbiology, and (5) Other food. Section of Mechanization of Agriculture has two departments, namely (1) Department of Soil Preparation and Water System, and (2) Department of Agricultural Tools and Machinery.
In 1967 the name of the Department was changed. The Department of Agricultural Technology has four departments, namely (1) Department of Crop Technology, (2) Department of Young Plant Technology, (3) Department of Technology of Animal Produce, and (4) Department of Industrial Microbiology. The Mechanization of Agriculture has two departments, namely (1) Department of Soil Preparation and Water System, and (2) Department of Power and Agricultural Machinery. In 1978 the Agricultural Technology Section was renamed the Agricultural Processing Section while the Agricultural Mechanization Section remained the same as before. The departments in each section are eliminated in line with the implementation of education with the credit system.
*) Some of the figures are lecturers of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, and have earned an additional degree along with the passage of time and career. They are Prof. Ir. Kamarijani (late), Prof.Ir. Soenjoto Soemodihardjo (alm.), Prof. Dr. Ir. Moch Adnan, M.Sc. (retirement), Ir. Hendro Pawoko Sajid (late), Ir. Soeharsono Martoharsono (retired), Ir. Hardiman, M.Sc. (alm), Ir. Moch. Roesdi (retired), and Ir. Soemangat, M.Sc. (pension).
In accordance with Government Regulation No. 5 Year 1980, Section was replaced by Department, then in 1980 at Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM had two departments, namely (1) Department of Agricultural Processing and (2) Department of Agricultural Mechanization. In 1986 a new department was opened, namely Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, and in 1995 the Department of Agricultural Products Processing was renamed to the Department of Agricultural Processing Technology. In January 2002 with UGM Rector Decree No. 18 / P / SK / HKTL / 2000 dated January 11, 2002 Department of Agricultural Processing Technology changed its name to the Department of Food Technology and Agricultural Products.
Initially the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM Building is located at SEKIP Jl. C. Simanjuntak Yogyakarta, one location and one building with Faculty of Agriculture UGM and Faculty of Forestry UGM. At that time the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM only has four rooms used as laboratory, while the workshop of Agricultural Mechanization is located in Bulaksumur near UGM Central Building. The laboratories are used for a variety of student practicum and research exams. The lecture activities at that time were still held in the building together. Several courses were held together with UGM Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Forestry UGM. Several labs were conducted in Dalem Mangkubumen Ngasem such as Botany, Zoology, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, and in one of UGM’s buildings in Pingit for Mineralogy laboratory.
In 1967 the location of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM moved to occupy a building located in Karangmalang (now Yogyakarta State University). The building is only used for faculty and administrative board, while the lecture and the practicum implementation is still held in the original place.
In 1968, the location of the faculty moved again to a new building in Bulaksumur, east of UGM Administration Center Building, which is now in use, and even then consists of only a few rooms. This building is also only used for faculty, administrators and administrators. Some rooms are used for laboratories, and lectures. The building is gradually expanded with additional rooms for libraries, administrative rooms, teaching bureaus, finance, equipment, office of Dean and Vice Dean, laboratory (Lab & Chemical Processing Biochemistry), pilot-plant, and lecture hall.
In 1986, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM received an additional new building with an area of ??approximately 2000 m2 consisting of two units each of two and three floors and since then no longer use other buildings for educational and administrative activities. In 1993, it was added another new three-storey building of former Faculty Non-Technology Faculty lecture building. Thus the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM has several buildings consisting of five units, namely Unit I (one floor), Unit II (one floor), Unit III (two storeys), and Unit IV (three floors) and Unit V (three floors) ). Building units I and II began in September 2000 dismantled and replaced with a new six-story building on soft loans from OECF. The new building replaces the old building functions, namely for laboratory, lecture and exam room, seminar room, office, library and others. The first stone laying of the building was done by the Rector of UGM on June 6, 2001 and began to be used at the beginning of the academic year, September 2003/2004.
At the beginning of the establishment of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, the curriculum uses a package system, while the education system is implemented in three stages. The first stage takes 1 (one) year. This stage is called the level or education of “propadeuse” and the student who graduated this level may follow the next stage and get a diploma of propadeuse without a degree, while those who do not pass must repeat. The second stage takes 2 (two) years and is called the level or education of Bakaloreat. Students who pass this stage may follow the next stage and get a diploma bakaloreat and entitled to use the title “B.Sc.”. The third stage takes 2 (two) years and is called the doctoral level. Students who graduate this level are declared finished their study at Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, and get doctoral certificate and entitled to use degree “Ir” (engineer). Doctoral education is also permitted for advanced education such as master’s education or doctoral education. The education system uses an absolute and closed appraisal to evaluate the success of a student’s (graduation) study. A student can only know he or she “graduated” or “did not pass” in a course exam without knowing its value. This system lasted until the academic year 1977/1978.
In 1978/1979 there was a change of system and implementation of education with the enactment of credit system. Education at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM which originally used the 5 (five) year curriculum was replaced with a 4 (four) year curriculum and named education stratum one (S-1). Level or stage of education abolished so that no more education propadeuse, education bakaloreat, as well as doctoral education. Education is no longer organized with a package system but with a credit system. Students are given discretion in determining the courses to be followed among the courses offered. The way the assessment of learning outcomes uses the letters A, B, C, D, and E to provide excellent value, good, sufficient, lacking, or failing. Assessment is also done openly. Students are declared finished their studies if they have taken at least 160 units of credit semester with a certain Achievement Index (2.0). The degree obtained is “Ir”. The curriculum on the credit system is developed in several areas of specialization. The Curriculum of Agricultural Products Processing Division is divided into two specialties, specialization Food Science and Technology, and Plantation Technology specialization. The Curriculum of Agricultural Engineering Department is divided into 3 (three) specializations, namely specialization of Power and Agricultural Machinery, Agricultural Product Processing Technique, and Soil Preparation Technique and Water System. Duration of study is limited to a maximum of 9 years. Students who are unable to complete their study within a maximum of 9 years are excluded from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.
In 1983, the area of ??specialization was eliminated and replaced with a Program of Study which in essence is the same as a specialization. Curriculum of Agricultural Product Processing Department consists of Food Technology and Nutrition Study Program, Agricultural Processing Technology Study Program, and Food Biotechnology Study Program. Curriculum Department of Agricultural Engineering has a program of Power and Agricultural Engineering, and Soil and Water Engineering Program. Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology which opened in 1986, the curriculum consists of only one study program, the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program. The emergence of curriculum with the study program at that time has not explicitly distinguish the Department with the Study Program. Only later in 1989 did the improvement of the implementation of education. The number of SKS to complete the S-1 education at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM is reduced to about 140 – 150 credits only. Degree Ir. replaced with Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (STP) and distinction of Department and Study Program confirmed. The Department is the academic executing element of the faculty, conducting academic and / or professional education in part or in one branch of science or technology, while the Study Program is a field of study within a particular branch of science or technology to acquire a particular skill. Each department administers one course. Department of Food Technology and Agricultural Products with Food and Nutrition Program, Department of Agricultural Mechanization with Agricultural Engineering Studies Program, and Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology with Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program.
With the enactment of National Curriculum (Kurnas) 1992, Food and Nutrition Study Program in Agricultural Processing Department changed into Agricultural Product Processing Study Program. Changes occurred again with the enactment Kurnas 1996. Department of Agricultural Products Processing Technology turned into Agricultural Technology Study Program, Department of Agricultural Engineering into Agricultural Engineering Studies Program which has three
interests of interest in Agricultural Products Engineering, interest in Agricultural Power and Machinery, and interest in Agricultural Natural Resources Engineering, while the Study Program in the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology with Study Program is unchanged.
In February 2002 Agricultural Technology Study Program changed its name to Food Technology and Agricultural Product Study Program. While the names of the other two courses remain. In 2002, there was a curriculum change from the 1996 Curriculum to the 2002 Curriculum, where the graduation requirement to be a bachelor (S-1) is 144 – 160 credits.
Based on UGM Rector Decree No. 22 / P / SK / HT / 2006 dated January 26, 2006, regarding the guidance of curriculum preparation of undergraduate study program, the curriculum in all S-1 study programs in September 2006/2007 was changed to Competency Based Curriculum (KBK). The graduation requirement for a scholar is to have taken 144 – 148 credits. All the interest of existing study in Agricultural Engineering Study Program is eliminated. The paradigm of the learning system is transformed from Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) into a Student Centered Learning (SCL) where learning is no longer centered solely by lecturers, but turns to student-centered learning, where the student must be more active as a guided and facilitated learner by lecturers as partners in seeking and developing science.