Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM Forms Alumni Association

At the age of 54, Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM soon formed alumni containers. This is done considering the thousands of alumni scattered in all corners of the homeland does not have a container / set that can accommodate alumni across departments, across generations, and across strata.

It was said by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology of UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eni Harmayani, M.Sc., when opening the Alumni Congress at the local campus auditorium, Monday (18/9). Congress in order to form alumni container is attended by 150 participants who are graduates of FTP UGM representatives cross border, cross strata and department.

By forming alumni containers, said Eni Harmayani, there are several advantages gained, such as increasing the relationship and contribute to the development of student learning activities and the development of the real world in science and technology. Individual or institutional alumni can facilitate students to support various teaching and learning activities, while faculty can participate in finding solutions to the problems faced by alumni.

“This is the first time an alumni congress has been held, and the goal is to establish a forum for alumni of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, which is expected to be used for various things, besides the gathering event, it can also share experiences. as well as faculty, “he said.

With alumni containers, the dean said, the alumni can provide input for the faculty, especially related to the curriculum and implementation of learning. With the extraordinary alumni experience will strengthen UGM’s position as the best university in the country.

Eni Harmayani is convinced that the scattered alumni will be an extraordinary power. Therefore, the faculty with all the resources that have been trying to unite the scattered alumni, united in one container, that is the container of UGM FTP Alumni Association.

“Currently we have 3 departments, namely the Department of Food Technology and Agricultural Products, the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem (formerly agricultural mechanization) and the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology (PIP) .From 3 Departments, FTP has 9 accredited national study with the value A. We not yet satisfied, for S1 TPB study program has received international accreditation AUN-QA, regional level of Asean .. Prodi S1 ??from TIP also have received international accreditation, also TPHP in process to get international accreditation Therefore, support from all alumni is expected , “he said.

Dr. Saiful Rochdyanto, as the alumni congress chairman, added that this FTP UGM alumni congress is the first to bring together alumni across the army, across departments and across strata. This activity is expected to produce UGM FTP Alumni Containers capable of synergizing the power between parties for the wider interest for the development of education, research, and community service.

“For the first time, this activity is called Congress, while the activity that concerning organizational can be referred to as musyawarah, it is expected that the minimum congress will agree on the name of the association of alumni, the articles of association and the household budget, work program, and the election of alumni association chairman,” he said. (UGM / Agung Public Relations)