This morning, August 5th 2024, at 08.00 Western Indonesia Time (GMT+7), marked the 7th day of the Summer Course (SC) 2024 held by the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
There were 4 speakers, 3 online and 1 on-site. The first lecture was on Water Management and Quality for the Agricultural System, moderated by Dr. Prieskarinda Lestari from FAT UGM. Prof. Gary R. Sands, Ph.D., Professor from University of Minnesota USA, explained the global distribution of agricultural areas and the global land used for food production. He mentioned the challenge and obstacles of global water issues especially in the agricultural sector and elaborated the solution as well as the opportunity for reducing agriculture’s water footprint to restore water quantity and quality.
Before continuing to the next session, we had a coffee break from 09.45-10.15. The second lecture was on Irrigation and Climate Change, moderated by Muhammad Khoiru Zaki, Ph.D from FAT UGM. Prof. Dr. Ki Hee Ryu, Professor from Seoul National University South Korea, explained the global trends for irrigation in climate change mentioning Sustainable Development Goals Target 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero hunger), 6 (clean water and sanitation). He elaborated the effort for irrigation modernization in Indonesia both the challenges and the opportunities.
The second session ended at 12.00 then we moved to the next session which was lunch break and prayer time. The plenary started at 13.00 for the third lecture on Plant Factory, moderated by Imam Bagus Nugroho, M.Sc. from FAT UGM. Dr. Md. Parvez Islam from Ehime University, Japan explained artificial intelligence in agriculture. He showed many graphs about population, grain production and land used in Japan. He elaborated the challenges in the agriculture sector worldwide and the modern way to solve agricultural problems such as automation, AI, and robots to achieve the future vision of the society 5.0 plant factory.
The fourth session started after a 30 minute coffee break around 15.00. It was about Smart Farming and Climate Change, moderated by Bayu Nugraha, Ph.D. from FAT UGM. Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho (on-site speaker) from FAT UGM explained the basics of climate change, the effect of climate change in the agriculture sector. He mentioned his latest interest in using technology for smart farming systems such as AI to forecast environmental conditions, drone, and smartphone application.